** Hey about a year ago I met you at an event in toronto where their was a bunch of booths from around the world. You had recommended Shea on your for my exceema like conditions and it helped keep the itching down, for that thank you! I was given an amazing deal of two 2.5oz packages for $10 and was hoping to get another deal like that if I were to buy 3. let me know and I will make the purchase thanks!
**** Hello Adriel,My name is _______ (we met briefly at the Brampton Wellness open house on Tuesday Jan 17).I took one of your Shea Butter Blends samples to try on my youngest daughtest daughter because she has had Eczema her whole life. And recently for the past 2 years her arms and face have gotten worse. In short - your product worked very well. Much more effective than any other natural product I've tried over the years.I would like to come and see you for more product for me and my family, as well as more business cards to hand out to my patients. I run a busy Bolton practice full-time and one day a week at the Brampton clinjc. I do see many people who have Eczema issues. I would love to send patients your way and try your product.If you can give me a few days/times that are open for you and I can come in maybe on the Tuesday (thats the day Im there in Brampton). I start at 10am, so I can come before at 9:15-9:30am on Tuesday or if you are open on Saturdays.Thanks kindly,
****Just wanted to let you know how much I am loving the Shea on You cream. I picked it up at the yoga show last March and just found it recently, hidden in my night stand. EXTREMELY dry legs are dry no more! Thanks!
****Hi AdrielPlease call me in the office tomorrow so I can place an order for a gift for the staff. They all love your products. **Hi, I purchased your Shea on You product a couple years ago from a vendor at a summer festival in London Ontario. I loved it--nice natural scent that didn't bother me or my scent-sensitive colleagues at work. AND the scent was surprisingly long-lasting for an essential oil product. I could not find that vendor at the same festival this year and was wondering if there is anywhere in the London area where I can find your products. Also, does the scent on your other scented shea butter cream last as long? Thank you,
****Hey! I purchased your shea on you product Afro fest and I'm in love! I would like to order 6 of the large jars. What is the total and do you deliver through mail? Thanks!
****Hello,A friend of mine passed me your contact. I was told you have one of the best shea butter. I'd be interested in purchasing some. Do you have a store? Or will you be at another event in the Toronto? I'm opening to coming to you to get some.If you can give me some information about prices that would be great.
**** Hi, do you selling your products in Fleemarkets like last year when I purchased one, it is just a perfect blend! I love it!Best regards,
****Hi, i was Wondering if you were going be at tthe one of a kind show this spring. I bought the shea on you at the royal winter fair and love it. Thanks
** Hey man! This is HORNET the fighter/wrestler from Battle Arts Academy! Are you coming with the gang on Sunday? The Shea butter is good! I used it after training yesterday and today. My hands get so dry in this weather!!!**
** Hi Adriel, I received my order of Shea On You in the mail last week and was happily surprised to find two 4 ounce jars instead of one 6 ounce and a lovely note from you explaining that you had run out of the 6 ounce jars. So I wanted to write and say thank you! I really like the product and look forward to using it all up. Have a great day and enjoy the snow!**